Your Lawyer
After 5 years of law and tax studies, I obtained a DESS in Corporate Tax Law together with a Diploma as a Company Legal Advisor. I then went on to build on these Diplomas by working at a Paris firm of Chartered Accountants for 2 years.
This experience also gave me solid accounting and book keeping notions.
During this time, I also studied at the Ecole de Formation du Barreau in order to be admitted as a Member of the Paris Bar.
Afterwards, I worked for a tax litigation firm specializing in French tax lawand it was during this period that I gained valuable experience advising my clients in a number of high-value cases.
In January 2008, I started my own legal practice and I am now able to provide a truly individual service to my ever increasing portfolio of clients.
My clients appreciate this individual approach together with my availability and responsiveness.
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